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Most impressive results

Making Customer Communications Feel More Personal

Europris, a major retail store in Norway, looked to elevate its customer engagement by personalizing their communication. The first challenge was to deliver personalized birthday greetings at scale without losing the genuine, personal touch that would make each customer feel truly celebrated.

Using SEEN's Video Technology to create a Birthday Greeting

SEEN’s video technology allows Europris to send individualized birthday messages to each of their customers. The videos are designed to greet each customer by name, making the message feel very personal and exclusive. For example, the video opens with "A FILM FOR [Firstname] [Lastname]," immediately catching the recipient's attention. The TVC-level of production further reinforced the personalized touch, making each recipient feel truly celebrated.

Additionally, the videos included prompted customers to collect a birthday gift from their local Europris store – thereby driving both online engagement and in-store traffic.
The collaboration with creative production agency, Kringle, ensured that each video was not only personalized but also maintained a very high production quality and engaging content, reflecting the brand's values and aesthetic.

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About Europris

Europris is a prominent retail chain in Norway, known for its broad selection and value pricing. Dedicated to customer satisfaction and community engagement, Europris strives to provide more value and better shopping experiences. Their initiative to personalize birthday greetings is an innovative step towards more meaningful customer interactions, aiming to build stronger loyalty and increase customer retention.

Gustav Barth-Hansen

Gustav Barth-Hansen

Marketing Manager, Europris

This is an important part of giving something extra back to our customer club members. We strongly believe that this will show even more of the unique and generous personality of Europris

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