Kampanje (Norwegian)

Sbanken celebrates 20 years with 120,000 greetings from the CEO

- The solution from Storm 121 (SEEN) gives us an opportunity to offer ourselves, says Øyvind Thomassen, general manager at Sbanken.
Resumé (Swedish)

Sats tailors half a million films in new campaign

Data-driven communication and personal videos - that's how Sats new campaign can be summed up, which wants to encourage more people to go to the gym despite their lack of motivation.
Kampanje (Norwegian)

Tailor-made advertising film to attract Norwegians to Western Norway

- This film gives me goosebumps and really makes the West-Norway heart beat with pride, says the managing director of Fjord Norway.
Kampanje (Norwegian)

Won NM gold with data-driven video

Sopra Steria and DNB are among a number of businesses that have experienced enormous engagement after adopting personalized, data-driven video from the technology company SEEN.
Shifter (Norwegian)

Stordalen startup turns around in the crisis: Now they are helping the heroes by seen

SEEN noticed that something was brewing. This weekend they had to strip the technology, and make new plans.
Kampanje (Norwegian)

SEEN poaches CEO from Schibstedt: - He is the one we have always wanted for SEEN

E24 director Kjell Martin Nerstad becomes CEO of Storm 12, which is partly owned by the PR agency Storm Communication. Together with the partners, Marius Parmann and Per Valebrokk.
Dagens Naeringsliv (Norwegian)

Ronald (23) sells half of the start-up company to Stordalen's PR agency

In two years, Ronald Griffin has gone from zero turnover to 6.6 million NOK in his video company. Now Storm Communications comes in as the largest owner.
Kampanje (Norwegian)

Stordalen sent out 3,000 personal video greetings - now he is buying half the company

I am fascinated by the personal films, says Stordalen, who is making the purchase through his newly started PR agency.
Shifter (Norwegian)

Stordalen's PR agency buys video tech company

The PR agency Storm Communications becomes the largest owner in the technology company SEEN, which supplies automated solutions for personalized film.
Finansavisen (Norwegian)

Haudemann invests in Stordalen's wonderboy

Jan Haudemann-Andersen's Datum bets millions on SEEN and Petter Stordalen's tech wiz Ronald Griffin: - We see a great scaling potential.

Experience the magic of data driven video first hand.