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Cross the doorstep mile

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Make it over the threshold

As Nordics' leading fitness center chain, SATS's goal is to make people healthier and happier. After being shut down for several months because of the pandemic, SATS was finally able to open their doors again. To invite members back they collaborated with SEEN and screenwriter Bjarte Arneson on the creation of a short silent film that both motivated and invited members to make their way back to the gym.


Create an effective campaign to activate members again after the summer holidays, including those who had left during the pandemic.


Nordic training fitness center SATS was shut down for several months from 12 March 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Many gym goers fell into a comfort zone during Covid-19 restrictions, so SATS needed a fresh approach to motivate and encourage their members to come back. That’s when they turned to SEEN to help reactivate memberships and reach their workout enthusiasts through personalised video. 


What if SATS could use those frozen membership data stored in their CRM to invite people back to their gym? And what if those people came back because they were invited personally by SATS, in a creative and motivating way?

SEEN helped SATS do just that. They created personalised video campaigns inviting each former member to come to work out at SATS once the Covid-19 restrictions were reduced. Screenwriter Bjarte Arneson made a silent film with comedy around the doorstep mile, a story about how one small step can make all the difference. The film was adapted into two versions made in four languages, to cover the entire Nordic region (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland).  This slapstick movie with a clearly communicated message was personalised with SEEN’s technology using the name of each recipient. 

The hardest step to take is the first one. With that simple message and a personal approach, the campaign was sent out to over 500 000 members. And it worked!


The campaign was a massive success, and contributed to a larger share getting started again. With 500.000+ recipients, the campaign has an average of 1.9 views per receiver, and a Click-Through Rate of 29,6%. Impressive and effective. The films were also widely shared on Facebook and had an estimated reach of over 100.000 users. The campaign was one small step for SEEN, one giant leap for membership reactivation at SATS thanks to personalised video.