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DNB’s Christmas campaign with Sølvguttene and SEEN

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Merry Christmas to all DNB customers

DNB wanted to compensate its program customers for the cancellation of their traditional Christmas concert due to Covid-19, and chose to do so with a personalised Christmas message from boys’ choir Sølvguttene, whom DNB has sponsored for over 30 years. The goal was twofold: provide value added to customers by using the sponsorship of Sølvguttene in an innovative manner; and testing whether personalised communication leads to increased opening rates for marketing campaigns. SEEN created personalised videos, which with the help of LINK Mobility were shared with customers via SMS and email.  The delivery rate for SMS was 99%, which is an all-time high. The CTR for campaign was also very high at 47%. Also, customers on average re-opened their landing page 2,5 times, which is unique and lead to a total view time of 5,5 minutes per receiver on average. In addition to these incredible numbers, customer feedback has also been exclusively positive. In short: SEEN’s technology created unique quantitative and qualitative results for DNB in a CRM marketing campaign. 

Goal: Provide value added to customers, by giving them a unique and nice experience during the pandemic and compensate for the fact that the concert with Sølvguttene had to be cancelled due to Covid restrictions.  

Challenge: DNB usually invites some of its program customers to a concert with boys’ choir Sølvguttene before Christmas. This is one of DNB’s most highly appreciated customer care offers. Due to the pandemic, it was not possible to organise the concert in December 2020. DNB still wanted to give customers a unique experience for Christmas and remind them of how important they are to DNB.  At the same time, CXM staff in DNB wanted to test whether personalised videos in communications and marketing campaigns lead to increased open rates. 

Solution: SEEN created a personalised video, which opens with the recipient’s first name both written and spoken, followed by Sølvguttene singing the hymn “Deilig er Jorden”. At the end of the hymn, the choir boys wish the recipient Merry Christmas, again by using the recipient’s first name. In other words, this is a personal Christmas message from Sølvguttene to the recipient, a unique experience for each customer. The message was distributed via SMS to all program customers, thanks to SEEN’s partner LINK Mobility. The message was also shared by email. It was the first time DNB used SMS for this kind of customer communication, so they made sure to inform customers in advance through social media that they would be receiving such an SMS, to preempt any fishing-related issues. Furthermore, LINK Mobility cooperates with Telenor, thus ensuring that the SMS actually reached the customers. SEEN handled a very complex set of data as well as strict requirements from DNB, and ensured the successful delivery of the campaign. 

Results: The delivery rate for this campaign was extremely high: 99% of the around 1 million recipients received the SMS, compared to an average rate of 80% when sending SMS to over 200 000 people. Also, 47% of recipients clicked on the link in the SMS, opening the video. The campaign was also shared via email, and on average each recipient opened their landing page 2,5 times, meaning that the video was watched several times, another sign of it being very well received by customers. 

In addition to the quantitative results, the qualitative results also show a very successful project. Several customers wrote to DNB about their emotional reactions when seeing this video. The video also led to a lot of positive feedback in DNB’s social media channels. 

SEEN made sure this was way more than a traditional video delivery. By combining different customer communication channels and a personalised touch, SEEN took customers on a unique journey which created a lot of customer engagement and satisfaction. In this project, timing, content and distribution channels were used tactically to get the best possible results. 

Christopher Frankum

Marketing Partnerships

Sølvguttene x DNB's main agenda was to increase perceived added value among customers of DNB. The unique technology from SEEN made this possible. With record numbers from the CRM department, personal written feedback from customers and finally the award for this year's cultural sponsor, we see the activity as very successful and as a result repeated it in 2021.