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Norges Hyggeligste Håndverker

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Congratulations on your nominaton


Together with SEEN, Norges Hyggeligste Håndverker (NHH) planned and executed three send-outs of personalized videos for their award nominees. Kristin Skogen Lund, a renowned personality, was chosen to deliver the messages directly to the nominees. In each video, she personally congratulated the individuals on their nomination and praised their achievements, making the experience even more special.


The personalized video campaign was a perfect fit for the target group. More than 90% of the nominees watched their films Additionally, these videos were shared thousands of times on Facebook, leading to massive engagement and increased visibility for both the nominees and NHH. Each unique video was an average of 48.6 times.

The campaign received an overwhelmingly positive response from the recipients. Social media updates and email comments to NHH reflected the enthusiasm and appreciation for this personalized approach.

We were super happy with this project. The approach greatly incrased the amount of engagement for our award both in the form of nominations and votes.