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Stand up for nature

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Strengthening the bond between man and nature. The Naturskyddsföreningen team was looking to connect with their existing supporters and recruit new ones. They turned to SEEN to help them execute their campaign, and together created a beautifully inspiring personalised short film that can be used by Naturskyddsföreningen across digital channels.

The personalised film is built around recipient data points, allowing Naturskyddsföreningen supporters to truly connect with the content. So far over 120,000 members each received a personalised film, and many invited new members to join as a direct result. Now that’s what we call making an impact!

Goal: Create a unique campaign to thank existing supporters and raise awareness as to why people should stand for nature, while taking the chance to recruit new members.

Challenge: Naturskyddsföreningen wants to inspire change and create a better future. They want to encourage and inspire people of all ages to live more sustainably and be kinder to their environment. As an organisation that puts the environment first and has the most power to change, they have over 200,000 supporters and continue to grow strong. With a flock of dedicated existing supporters, Naturskyddsföreningen wanted to thank them and spread the word to other nature enthusiasts that would like to support the cause.

Solution: With the help of production partner ProLounge, SEEN worked on a unique outdoorsy film for Naturskyddsföreningen’s supporters, personalising the video with each recipient’s name, using its dynamic video platform. Each video was then placed on uniquely designed landing pages for Naturskyddsföreningen, and sent to each supporter via email and sms.

Dedicated to their members and donors, the video brings together Paul Svensson and Zeina Mourtada, the two well-known TV chefs, for a powerful and delicious message for the recipient. The recipient’s name is read out loud in the film by Paul and Zeina, and appears strategically and creatively in written sequences throughout the video. This inspiring film targets Naturskyddsföreningen’s members and donors, thanking them for their support, and explaining why more people are needed to stand for nature. Each recipient in turn can fill in a form on the landing page to send a personalised video greeting to other fellow nature lovers.

With increased versatility, this personalised short film can be used by Naturskyddsföreningen across all of their digital channels. The project also included social media functionality that allows viewers to share the video directly from the landing page.

Conclusion: In this campaign, Naturskyddsföreningen brought a personalised message to their supporters and donors, in a unique way through Sweden's star chefs, who gave their voice and commitment to the cause. With SEEN, they were able to create and send personalised films to their existing membership base and let them refer new members in just a few clicks. With the added social media and referral functionality, getting the word out and inviting more people to support Naturskyddsföreningen’s environmental cause became that much easier.

Now well over 120,000 members have received a film from Naturskyddsföreningen—and most importantly, they're inspired to take action, drive change, and make a difference for a better environment!

This campaign was featured in Swedish trade-press Resumé, check out the full article here (Swedish).