NRK TV-aksjonen 2021

A star-studded personalized campaign
In 2021, NRK TV-Aksjonen featured Norwegian A-list actors such as Kristofer Hivju, Ane Dahl Torp & Herman Flesvig in a charity campaign that was presented as a trailer for a natural disaster movie. The unique and cinematic approach garnered massive attention, even from the largest newspapers and websites in Norway.
The film not only impressed audiences and got a lot of attention. Most importantly, it thanked those who signed up as collectors for the charity event by weaving them into to the storyline of the film itself, culminating in the individual viewer being celebrated by famous actor Ane Dahl Torp and featured in the graphics of the film itself. This personalized touch added to the overall impact of the campaign.
Silver medalist in the 2022 Transform Awards
NRK TV-Aksjonen's 2021 campaign was so successful that it received a silver award for "Best use of a visual property" at the Transform Awards Nordics 2022. The film's stunning visuals, star-studded cast, and personalized approach made it both memorable and effective.
Screenshots from NRK & Plan International's data-driven film

About NRK's TV-Aksjonen & Plan International
TV-Aksjonen is an annual national Norwegian charity fundraising event that has been organized by the Norwegian public broadcaster NRK in partnership with selected organizations since 1974.
In 2021 the event host Plan International - was able to raise 262.7 million NOK to fight child marriages.
SEEN has worked closely with NRK and the featured fundraising organisation in the past few years. If you are interested to see more examples of personalised videos for TV-Aksjonen, be sure to check out the campaign for WWF from 2020.
We really appreciate the partnership with SEEN. Their technology has been a key part of our campaign planning for the last few years.

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